CORNHUSKER UNIT 241 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Send Email Scott McIntyrePresident (term expires 12/31/25) Send Email Justin GraverVice President, Webmaster & Tournament Coordinator (term expires 12/31/25) Send Email Jane SlezakSecretary (term expires 12/31/24) Send Email Andrew ClementsTreasurer (term expires 12/31/24) Send Email Jonathan CohnTournament Coordinator (term expires 12/31/24) Send Email Dawnette KahnkMembership Coordinator, Partnership Coordinator (term expires 12/31/24) Send Email Bill Treadway(term expires 12/31/25) Volunteers Send Email Thelma ColeCaring Committee (bringing comfort to members in times of bereavement or illness) Send Email Claire FlatowiczThe Longest Day Coordinator Send Email Deana LiddyThe Longest Day Coordinator